Monday, March 19, 2007

Dofus - Iops Guide (Str Build) - [ Dofus Kamas ]

i will not write thousants of works ... just simple easy

to understand guide. and please my english isnt the best

so lets start

1) skills
max it to 5th lv. at 101+ lv to lv

6! belive me, ull need it

u have two choices
a) max it on 5th lv and at 100+lv to lv 6

(because 2ap cost), but dont spend any point to concentraton (lv 80)
cool.gif dont spend any point to pressure and at lv 80 put all points to


pressure: 1-5 lv = 3ap and dmg 8-12, if fail = end of turn; lv 6

= 2ap 9-13dmg => 15spell points cost
concentraton = 1-5lv = 2ap and dmg 9-17

and' if fail, u can continue in turn
important: pressure has 1-2 range,

concetraton only 1-1!!!!

increase it to 3lv (3ap used) later to lv 4(3 tiles back), when ull be lv 100+ and have a lot

of free bonus points, increase it to lv 6 (2ap used;4 tiles knock back)

its up to u. but my recommandation is: dont put any of your

points to this spell, yes in the beginning its verry helpfull but when u have 800+ HP +-50-90

hp isnt big boost ... better save this points

power and mutilationstrengthstorm and celestial sword
u r base str build, but is good to have alternatives in dmg

elements (strength storm = fire, celestial sword = air) and u have a enough spell points so

... (btw strengthstorm rulez. i dont using celestial sword wink.gif

sword of iop and iops wrath

comment. 5th lv!



sword skill

comment, lv5 and at 100 lv increase it to lv 6 (3ap and 1/100 critical failure)

its up to u, i have it on lv 2 and im satisfied (140+- dmg). but

verry interesting is 6th lv of this spell:
26-40(56-70 in critical hit) neutral dmg and 4ap

used and! 1/100 crit fail. verry interesting.

2) stats
your main stat i str! but u must to know that your primary

attack is close attack so u will need vitality.

put vit to 50
str to 50

to 150 and stop increasing it
from now put all your stats points to str until 4:1 (300)

then its up to u ... good is increasing wis, if u have 101 wis scroled!



if u

have pressure at 5th lv, use it and when u r exping wear Tont'Ata Staff or something

what increasing your stat (after 60lv, when u increase strangthstorm is verry good exelent

staf of kings).

to pvp its good to use bows (fishing bow) if u wanna use sword

there is some nice one:
Immortal Evening Star
Sharp Claw

Fake Ceangal Claw
Pink Claw

at 100+ maybe Razor

aventures set in the beginning, for exping Mush Mush Set,

later prespic set, for fighting Gobball set.
later is necessary treechnid set. for fighting

with strengthstorm is verry good red scaraleaf set
but there are many ways what wear


in the future ull need 10ap so one ap u can get from amulet (farles ears) then

gelano ring and powerfull dazziling belt

hat: daudgee, treecaska, terradala hat,

octovius/king jellix crow, solomonk/giant, kanistere, dora bora
cloak: cloak from

treechnid set, ouginak cloak, grazor, mastralis



1-10lv gobbals
11-40lv porkass plain

or rocky plains
41-60lv wabbit island (wo wabbits)
60-70(80) treechnids, blops,

80-90 blops
90+ blops or kanigorous

Have fun

with iops wink.gif

==== Just more Filler ====
i dont want telling anybody what the sould wear, there is a lot of equipement, i just

recommanded something, final desision is on everybody.. i dont want telling anybody whats

do that and whats do this ... there is wiki pages and community pages where is all

informations about spells and equipemnt. I dont want make another wiki or community pages

Nice... Straight Forward and everything... But don't you think 11-4x for porkass plains is a

pretty big range..? Unless your like fighting 1 solo shepard? O_O...

Anyways, it rocks.

Pretty nice guide, but I have to disagree with one thing. I don't think you should lvl mutilation

to 5 until you're 100+ cuz of two reasons:

1. It hits you 20 hp, and while being lvl 60-100 you wont have enough hp to use it. At least I

2. I don't see the use of it while being 60-90. You never have 2 ap to spare for mutilation.

Nah, I'd say lvl mutilation after lvl 100 and bring vitality to 5 instead. Believe me, you'll have

use of it while lvling.

Awsome guide for people who just want to do a quick check of what to level as an Iop and

don't want to read through endless lines of pure nothingness (to them!!!).

I'll eventually PM you the guide with Revised Spelling and Grammar (I please don't be mad at

me for that, but it's a great guide, it would be to sad to see it go to waste).

But what about all the crit failures, im a lvl 43 iop, and most of my losed battles are because

i have a LOTS of crit failures, that why i put 10 points in agility and now im scrolling it up. ç

Or this just happens to me ?¡?¡

I have mutilation and vit at 5 and actually i do find them useful because i have 7 ap (sword+

mute) its very situational. Vit often saves me in really big koalak fights lately etc etc.

I also have lvl 5 celestial and lvl 5 ss My build is actually pretty hard because I lack alot of

points I wont have lvl 4 wrath til lvl 109 because I need lvl 6 sword skill at lvl 103 and lvl 6

jump at 100, I dont see the need to have sword of iop higher then lvl 4 actually which is

what I have it at. Once im lvl 109 at lvl 114 Im going to level pressure to lvl 6 which for the

most part makes mutilation totally useless unless your using a soi+ mut combo ( its worth

keeping i suppose)

the last thing from there on you would wanna do after about 114 ( itd take you that long to

actually level everythhing up and then some)

is like what he was saying about lvl 6 intimidation or possibly lvl 6 cut maybe even brokle?

nice and interesting I may add

pretty nice guide hervinek really

i have vital lvl 5 and muti lvl 4, i will be getting muti to lvl asap because the 2 ap would be

nice if you are using a 4ap sword like the fake cen claw. also have pressure lvl 5 but will

unlearn that and go into concentrtion because base damage is higher,doesnt pass on a fail,

and uses less points to get to lvl 5, because to get to lvl 6 pressure thats 15 spell points

why concentration is only 10 points to get to lvl 5, at least lvl strngthstorm to lvl 4 and get it

to 3 ap because at higher lvls most equips will have some kind of intell and it also wouldnt

hurt to scroll intell if u use it. i will not be lvling wrath until later when i have some points to

spare. there are more spells that u need to 6 before u lvl wrath to 5.

Good guide

But add at what lvl you should lvl a spell.
And make it a bit more organised
Instead of Other you could make a new group with equipment, saying at which lvl you should

us some kind of equipment.

But anyway, nice guide.

==== About Dofus ====
Dofus is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published

by Ankama Studio, a French computer game manufacturer. Dofus is set in the world of

Amakna, which is an anagram of Ankama. Its success led to the marketing of by-products,

like books, and with the development of two continuations: Dofus Arena, a tactical online

multiplayer game, released at the beginning of 2006, is an alternative "tournament" version of

Dofus; and Wakfu which is currently in preparation and should be released by the end of


Dofus is a role-playing game in which players create characters that serve as their avatar in

the online world. The player can choose from twelve different classes, one of which is

reserved for subscribers.

One can lose easily thanks to the hard monsters.

Combat is played out "turn by turn" on squared charts. Within a turn, each player can

advance 3 squares and use up to 6 "attack points", used to cast spells. The AP (attack

points) and MP (movement points) can be increased in later evolution of the character, by

using certain equipment.

When a character dies, they lose a specific amount of money and energy that is able to be

regained while sitting in a tavern before logging off, or by using certain objects. If all of your

energy is exhausted, you will take the form of a ghost which will be used to very slowly reach

a statue of a phoenix, where it will be able to resurrect your character and regain a part of

its vital energy (1000 points). A character's maximum energy is 10,000, but this can be raised

upon reaching certain orders within an alignment. There is a possibility that a priest (who is

another play who has reached this rank) will return the fallen player to the "human form" with

a portion of their energy, usually in exchange for some Kamas.

Characters can join and form guilds, which make it possible for the members to speak with

each other, to coordinate each other, set up a tax collector to take sales/taxes carried out

by the players who are not members of the guild, or to steal the objects dropped from

monsters at the end of a fight.

A system of alignment makes it possible to take part in a war between the cities Bonta (City

of the Angels) and that of Brakmar (City of the Demons), in the form of a players versus

players mode (PvP). Since the 1.13 update, points can be gained from these fights, and

hence a PvP scene developed. The third alignment, named Sériane-Kern (represented by

wings made of wood and fabric), makes it possible to remain neutral and to carry out

contracts provided by other players. However, this alignment is only available on the first

server, Jiva.

A new update in the game makes it possible to breed Dragoturkeys. This makes it possible to

go twice as fast compared to running. As such, there are breeding enclosures available to

players to breed their mounts.


There are twelve different classes. The choice of class determines which spells your

character will receive, as well as how much characteristic upgrades will cost. The class

names are inside jokes amongst the developers, often (but not always) referring in some way

to the abilities of the class. For example, the Xelor class which uses time magic in combat,

derives its name from Rolex, a watch manufacturer.

* Sadida's Boots ("Adidas" backwards) - Nature-influenced direct damage and voodoo doll

* Eniripsa's Hands (Aspirine, the French spelling of "Aspirin") - Specialized in healing and

invoking spells to increase the abilities of their allies.
* Iop's Heart (named for Yop yogurt drink, a developer in-joke) - Attack-based class with

many powerful spells, however they have short range.
* Cra's Range (Arc, French for "bow") - Archer class specializing in bow and arrow attacks

that have long range to attack enemies from far away.
* Feca's Shield (café, French for coffee, another inside joke) - Defensive magic user, usually

the last man standing in a fight.
* Sacrier's Blood (sacrifice + crier; the French name is sacrieur, sacrifice + rieur, "one who

laughs") - Attacks based on sacrifice and self-damage to deal more powerful attacks.
* Osamodas' Whip (Sado-Maso{chism}) - Summoner class that can call creatures to its aid.
* Ecaflip's Coin ("pilface" is a shortened form of "pile ou face", which means "tails or heads") -

Gambler class whose attacks are powerful but can backfire and harm the player.
* Enutrof's Fingers (Fortune) - Treasure seeker class that starts off weaker in battle but

finds dropped items at a faster rate.
* Xelor's hourglass (Rolex) - Masters of time, able to delay or speed up units in battle by

taking or adding Action Points (AP) to enemies and/or allies.
* Sram's Shadow (Mars Bar, yet another inside joke) - thief/assassin class, specializing in

different types of hidden traps, invisibility and powerful close combat.
* Pandawa's pint (Padawan or Panda Warrior) - While sober, they're a support class, carrying

allies around the battlefield and lowering enemies' elemental resistance. When drunk, they

become formidable close-range fighters, with reduced movement but powerful attacks and

damage reduction. This class is available only for paid players(p2p).

According to a post on this topic on the official forums, Feca, Iop, and Sram were the first

three classes created, so the developers named them after their favorites among the various

snacks they enjoyed while making the game, and the names have nothing to do with the

classes themselves.